Wednesday, 11 April 2012

'Roaring Twenties'

 Frida Giannini was thinking flappers, cloche hats, jazz and the Charleston when she designed Gucci's SS12 collection. Inspired by F.Scott Fitzgerald's 'The Great Gatsby' it is reminiscent of a growing economy, easy prosperity, and what has typically been termed the American Dream. Despite the great depression of 1929, the early 20's was a time of economic boom and mass production.  Seemingly ironic set against the backdrop of the current climate, it is not sheer coincidence. Designers are aware that a crashing market entails financial difficulty and thus, they serve to remind us that there are better times ahead. The combination of fashion with literature is pure genius. Giannini's modern take on the decade, with strict tailoring and bold prints, does not detract from authentic 20's glamour with drop waisted shirt dresses fully embellished with fringing and trailing. These have definitely been added to my wishlist!

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