Saturday, 5 May 2012


Just a quick post tonight to express my utter love for this Marc Jacobs piece. Featured in his AW12/13 collection it is quite possibly the most stunning dress I have seen this year. Perhaps not the most wearable of outfits- unless your strutting your stuff down the red carpet or entertaining the idea of a theatre production- it is no less than perfect. The sequined skirt combined with the dramatic floral top cuts a beautiful silhouette, the huge hat, a stark contrast to the slim figure. It has a certain romanticism in that it is extremely seductive.  This 'woman' has  purpose, intention or is on some type of  journey. It is not often you get to admire such craftsmanship and it is safe to say that this is top of my wish list- if only I had a place to wear it! My humble respect goes to the designer- A-MAZING!

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